You can choose different options to import documents into Zendoc

INFO: Watch our video tutorial at the bottom of this page. 

Connected Apps

The best way to import documents into Zendoc is to use Connected Apps (e.g. Gmail, Dropbox, DocuSign, Outlook). You can find the Connected Apps menu under the Workspace settings.

After clicking on the menu, you reach the connected app page which lists the different apps you can connect to. 

To connect to a new App, simply click on it and follow the instructions.

Most of the connectors (e.g. Dropbox, Gmail, Outlook, Box, Sharepoint) will present you with a choice on which types of files to import.


When selecting this option, Zendoc first checks if the file is one of the supported file formats. If it is, Zendoc's AI analyzes the file content to decide whether the file should be imported or not. Contracts, invoices and purchase orders are imported while other documents are not.

This is the best option when your contracts are scattered around and you want Zendoc to automatically find and secure them.

All Files

When selecting this option, Zendoc will import all supported files regardless of their content. This is the best option when your contracts are already grouped and organized.

Once the Connected App is set up, Zendoc continuously monitors the service to identify and retrieve new documents. 

INFO: To avoid cluttering caused by duplicates, Zendoc does not import documents that are already in the Workspace. 

For example, if you have three exact copies of the same file - even with different names or dates - only one will be imported into Zendoc.

Upload Documents

Another way to import documents into Zendoc is to upload a file or a folder.

In the Connected Apps page, simply drag and drop your file or folder in the upload zone defined by the white rectangle.