Plug your Sharepoint (Office 365) into the platform so the AI can automatically find your documents on a regular basis 

• You are an administrator on an Office 365 account.
• You have administrator access in your Zendoc's workspace.

Step 1: Open your Azure Active Directory Settings Panel

Open the Office 365 Admin Console.

Sign in to your Office 365 account and go to the admin console (administrator access needed).

Click on Domains in the Settings menu.

In the domain name table, note the name of the domain. For example

Open the Azure Active Directory admin center.

In the left menu under Admin Center, click on Azure Active Directory. you may need to click on Show All.

In the Azure Active Directory admin center, click on Azure Active Directory to open the Overview panel.

Step 2: Register a New App

In the menu, click on App Registrations and click on + New Registration.

Type a name (e.g. Zendoc App), choose who can access the App and optionally provide a redirect URL. 

Then click on Register.

Click on the newly created app and note the Application (Client) ID:

Step 3: Authorize the App to Access the Microsoft Graph API

In the menu, click on API Permissions followed by + Add permission.

Click on Microsoft Graph.

Click on Application permissions and select the following permissions:

  • Under Files, select Files.Read.All

  • Under Sites, select Sites.Read.All
  • Under User, select User.Export.All

Click on The Add Permissions button to add the selected permissions.

Click on Grant admin consent to grant Zendoc the appropriate level of access.

Step 4: Get a Client Secret

In the menu, click on Certificates & Secrets, then New Client Secrets.

Set a description, and choose the expiration. Remember you will need to update the secret in Zendoc when it will expire.

Copy the value of the secret.

Step 5: Add and Configure the SharePoint Connector 

In Zendoc, in the top right connector, click on Workspace Settings, Connectors

Add the Sharepoint Connector and fill in the value:

  • Tenant Name from Step 1 (e.g.
  • Client Id from Step 2 (e.g. 27513dc5-5b85-4a2d-894b-ef450c5b85a6).
  • Client Secret from Step 4.


Click Validate.

You can now select the sites and folder that you want Zendoc to monitor for contracts.