After inviting a new user to your organization, the new user may not see any documents.

This can happen if during the invitation wizard the administrator stopped the operation after step #1 (invitation), without completing step #2 (Add to workspace).

To assign a workspace to a user, follow these steps

Step 1: Login as an organization administrator

Step 2: Go to your organization settings

Click on your profile icon in the top right and choose in the dropdown menu Organization Settings

Step 3: Go to the Organization's workspaces

In the left menu, click on Workspaces

Step 4: Invite the user to the desired workspace

In the list of workspaces, choose which workspace you wish to add the user to and click on the Invite user button

In the wizard, type the email address of the person, the role on this workspace and click on invite. 

The new user will be invited to the workspace